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    Mathematics is made of 50 percent formulas, 50 percent proofs, and 50 percent imagination. 

    "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems" (P. Erdos) 
    Addendum: American coffee is good for lemmas. 

    An engineer thinks that his equations are an approximation to reality. A physicist thinks reality is an approximation to his equations. A mathematician doesn't care. 

    Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions. 

    Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them, they translate it into their own language, and forthwith it means something entirely different. -- Goethe 

    Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. -- J. H. Poincare

    What is a rigorous definition of rigor? 

    There is no logical foundation of mathematics, and Gödel has proved it! 

    I do not think -- therefore I am not.


Funny Math

Get a lot of fun and joy by doing Math.

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